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Offer for schools, universities and young people

Our general age recommendation is from 13-14 years


  • Interactive by exploring real locations
  • wide range of topics from drug addiction to challenges for marginalized social groups to life on the street
  • authentic stories directly from those affected
  • fördert Empathie und Verständnis für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen
  • Ideal for socially oriented education and critical thinking

addiction prevention –

  • direkt an der Schule
  • Intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Drogensucht und deren Folgen
  • persönliche Erfahrungsberichte sind zentrales Element der Aufklärung
  • bietet Raum für interaktive Diskussionen und Fragen
  • Sensibilisierung für Risiken und Konsequenzen von Drogen & Alkohol


Our tour offers a unique opportunity to experience education outside of the traditional classroom confines. By connecting personal narratives/stories with real places of events, the tour enables an in-depth examination of the topics of drug addiction, its associated consequences, life on the street and the culture of squatting.

It not only imparts knowledge, but also promotes critical thinking and social awareness. By directly confronting the lives of people on the margins of society, a space for empathy and understanding is created, which encourages young people to think about their own prejudices and the social structures that lead to such life situations.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, discuss and reflect on the realities they see. This type of learning is particularly effective because it not only confronts young people with facts, but also touches them emotionally, thus leaving a lasting impact.

The Wiener Nimmerland Tour is more than just an educational excursion - it is an invitation to see the world with open eyes.

Difference from the lecture

While the tour represents a comprehensive educational offer that relies on experiential education and takes the students through various outdoor stations, the lecture focuses on an intensive examination of drug addiction and its direct consequences.

The tour visually connects the narrative with the locations of the events and covers a wide range of topics, ranging from addiction and its consequences to life on the street and squatting. It expands the lecture and offers additional insights.


from 10 pupils/students:

  • 8€ / student
  • 10€ / student

less than 10 pupils/students:

  • 10€ / student
  • 12€ / student

from 10 pupils/students:
teachers included

Uncomplicated booking
  • *Adjustment of the number of participants up to the day of the tour
  • **flexible payment options
  • Cash – on the day of the tour
  • Transfer – after the tour
  • online payment – before the tour
  • tours with large groups possible

* The number of participants can be changed flexibly until the tour can begin. The invoice is created after the tour, so that only the students who are actually present are billed.

**Preferred payment method: bank transfer

Drug specific talk
for addiction prevention

Wiener Nimmerland's addiction prevention lecture is an incomparable method of educating young people about the dangers and consequences of drug addiction. Through the personal stories and experiences of the speaker Martin, who himself experienced the depths of addiction, the students gain an unvarnished insight into the life of an addict.

This lecture goes far beyond the usual prevention work. By not only providing information, but also making the (long-term) consequences directly visible, the students are reached personally and thereby encouraged to think. They are confronted with the harsh realities that come with drug addiction, including the impact on social environments, the challenges of withdrawal, and the often tragic ends of such journeys.

By engaging directly with the topic in a protected setting, the lecture offers an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the complexity of addiction and the importance of preventive measures. It also offers a platform for questions, discussions and reflection.

Difference from the tour

While the lecture deals intensively with drug addiction and its consequences, the tour covers other topics.

The lecture takes place directly at the school and focuses on the topics of drug addiction (including alcohol) and its direct and indirect effects, which enables intensive discussion in a familiar learning environment.

directly on the spot at the respective school

duration: ~ 1.5 hours or 2 units
The duration depends heavily on
how many questions are asked by the students.

Currently the lecture can only take place in schools in Vienna and the surrounding area (such as Mödling, Schwechat, Vösendorf,…)!! If you are interested, the lecture can be held online.

  • 150€ flat rate for one class
    (up to approx. 25 students)
  • + 70€ per additional class
  • + Travel costs
    (only for schools outside Vienna)

Martin is is not a trained tourist guide! We offer no conventional tours in which he tells something about the culture and history of Vienna! He shows you no sights and couldn't tell anything about them either!

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