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Wiener Nimmerland in the media

Over time, several newspaper articles and video contributions have accumulated in which the tour and Wiener Nimmerland are discussed. This resulted in some interviews with Martin, in which he explains what the tour is exactly and how he found this "calling".
In chronological order, of course, starting with the most recent.

“Journey to Neverland – a slightly different travelogue”
in the employee newspaper of Graz Airport

Artikel über die Wiener Nimmerland Tour der Mitarbeiterzeitung  Flughafen G(r)azette

G(r)azette Airport – March 2024

Doris was on Martin's tour and wanted to tell others about it in her workplace's staff magazine. We are really happy about that, because that's how this incredibly well-written article about Wiener Nimmerland appeared in the Flughafen Gr(r)azette.

The employee newspaper is not publicly available, so here is an excerpt from the article.

French channel visited Wiener Nimmerland
for the television series “We Europeans”

FranceTV – 15.3.2024

France TV has filmed an entire television series about Europe and Europeans. Each episode is dedicated to a different topic or country. The article about Austria focused on “Housing First”.

Part of the shipment is via Wiener Nimmerland. The France TV team accompanied Martin on a tour with the girls from HLW Hollbrunn. This is followed by a short interview with Martin and Nadine.

Addiction: From Apetlon to “Wiener Nimmerland”

BVZ – December 28, 2023

In the winter, Klaus Zwinger from BVZ accompanied Martin on a tour to write an article about it. The article has the perfect title: "Addiction: From Apetlon to 'Wiener Nimmerland'" and was published on December 28, 2023. The tour is described in detail and Martin is quoted frequently.

Ausschnitt des Artikel der BVZ auf der BVZ Webseite

Contribution in Studio 2 on ORF2

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Studio 2 – November 16, 2023

A team from ORF2 accompanied Martin on his tour and asked him about the origins of Wiener Nimmerland. This is followed by a short interview with Martin and Nadine.

Martin at the Barbara Karlich Show

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Barbara Karlich Show – October 31, 2023

In October 2022, Martin was a guest on the Barbara Karlich Show. A year later, the episode called “I am stronger than addiction” aired on October 31, 2023.

The episode was on the ORF TV library for two weeks. We still wanted to give you the opportunity to see the post, so you can easily view it here.

"Martin in Neverland" on Pulse 4

Pulse 4 – March 10, 2023

In March 2023, Puls 4 was on the road with Martin and was able to interview a few participants about the tour.

The episode is called "Martin in Neverland" and can be found in the Climate Heroes series.

Moderatorin interviewt Teilnehmer bei einer Tour von Wiener Nimmerland

Podcast by Kronehit "Is that still normal!?

Kronehit – 10.3.2023

In March 2023, Martin was on the Kronehit podcast "Is that still normal!? – the hit Psycho-Talk” as a guest.

The episode “Drugs – When Curiosity & Pleasure Becomes Dependence” was broadcast on March 30, 2023 and can be heard. The episode is called "Martin in Neverland" and can be found under the Climate Heroes series.

Article & video in the Kleine Zeitung

Small Newspaper – 12/20/2022

Claire Herrman from the Kleine Zeitung interviewed Martin in December 2022 and asked him about his life on the streets and his journey from homelessness to self-employment.

The post "Former homeless person - at some point you feel like part of the street" was published including a video on December 20th, 2022.

Article on the opening tour of Wiener Nimmerland in MeinBezirk

MyDistrict – September 12, 2022

MeinBezirk was part of our opening tour on September 12th, 2022.

Antonio Šećerović's article entitled “Wiener Nimmerland – city tour about the homeless and drug addiction” was published on MeinBezirk (formerly Bezirksblatt) on the same day.

Artikel vom 12.9.22 vom MeinBezirk (Bezirksblatt)

Article in the Kurier on homelessness

Courier – August 26, 2022

In August 2022, Nina Oezelt from Kurier Martin asked about his experiences with hostility towards the homeless in Vienna. The article also mentioned Wiener Nimmerland.

Kurier Artikel bezüglich der Dunkelziffer bei Gewalt gegen Obdachlose

Podcast on the topic "What became of the pizzeria Anrachia"

Podcast "Gaps in Memory" - 28.1.2022

The podcast "Erinnerungslücken“ Martin dedicates an entire episode and asks him about the famous squatting of the pizzeria Anarchia. He tells first-hand how 1700 police officers ended the long-standing occupation of the house.

The interview is conducted by Michael Matzenberger (of Standard) on January 28th, 2022 under the title "Episode 16: What became of... the pizzeria Anarchia?".

Best Article: "Sandler, Giftler, Punker und Mensch" – 11/27/2020

This was without question the best article about Martin and his tour, entitled "Sandler, Giflter, Punker and Man". He was born on November 27th. 2020 by Johann Köppel released and even updated in 2022 after Martin struck out on his own to officially reference Wiener Nimmerland.

Podcast "Vienna Social Pod"

Podcast “Wiener Sozialpod” – July 24, 2020

In the podcast "Wiener SozialpodMartin tells a whole episode about his past with drugs, his life on the streets, the punk scene and well-known squats.

The interview is with Maria Wegenschimmel, published on July 24th, 2020 under the title "#21 Martin talks about his addiction experiences, his life on the street as a punk and squatting".

Article from Today about the inaugural tour

Today – February 20, 2020

On February 20th, 2020 an article about Martin's first tour will be published in the Today Newspaper under the title "I was a stylish homeless person".

“With punk through Neverland”
from the courier to the tour premiere

Courier – 18.2.2020

A detailed article, written by Bernhard Ichner, was published in Kurier about the premiere of Martin's tour (still with the Supertramps). The article is titled "Peter Punk in Neverland: Ex-homeless people show their Vienna" .

Video from the W24 for the opening tour

W24- 2/18/2020

Under the title "Vienna between drug addiction and homelessness" W24 has published a video of Martin's first tour. The video contribution is by Alessa Däger.

FM4 contribution to the tour premiere

FM4 – February 18, 2020

On February 18, 2020, for the premiere of Martin's tour (with the Supertramps), fm4 broadcast a report with the title "Supertramps": Ex-homeless people make special city tours through Vienna.

Unfortunately, the audio file can no longer be found online.

FM4 Beitrag

Article from the BZ about the opening tour

BZ – 10.2.2020

An article written by Larissa Reisenbauer about Martin's first tour and premiere with the Supertramps is in the BZ under the title "The somewhat different guided tour through Mariahilf" appeared.

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